Soteropolitana* is a artwork of 2019 aimed for a collaboration with some artists on Twitter. Inspired in the big YouTube music channel 'Lofi Girl', the challenge briefing was to create my version of the iconic character and environment based on the channel's cover.​​​​​​​
*The one's born in Salvador - Brasil
THE IDEIA​​​​​​​
My version of the Lofi Girl bedroom was inspired in something close to my experience. So I used elements of a typicaly brazillian bedroom that could be found in a young student's room.
For the composition of this environment I had direct help of close people from whom I received reference photos. The window landscape is the vision for the comunity "Solar do Unhão" in Salvador city.
"Soteropolitana: the one's born in Salvador. Those people who will live in the brightness of the city's colours. Who will sing and pray for Salvador's deity's. Being soteropolitano or soteropolitana means having a connection with the sea, the sun, with que very concept of love, affection and unity." ​​​​​​​
Maria, Soterapolitana.

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